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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So Alike and Yet...

The Boys
Zachary: "And don't forget my tie this time."
Henry: "I think you need more light, Momma."

Yes dears.

The Boys
Zachary: "NOW we have the makings of a picture."
Henry: "Still seems dark."

The Boys
Zachary: "Don't worry, my inner glow is more than adequate."
Henry: "Where's the off switch?"

The Boys
Zachary: "If you were brighter..."
Henry: "Not funny."

Dog Blog Post #1417

So alike and yet so different.

Zachary, wearing the blue collar (needlepoint on plastic mesh canvas - one of my non-photography Hobbies) is happy, eager to please, loves to learn, suave, with perfectly straight fur that always looks like I spent hours on it.

I'm pretty sure he is smarter than most Honor Students.

Henry, wearing the red hearts collar, is incredibly sweet, soft of fur and temperament, and very, very gentle, with fur that looks like perennial bed head no matter what I do with it.

If you could animate a stuffed animal you would get Henry.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 14 2014 - "Hobbies"

Daily Dog Challenge 926. "Contrast"

The Boys
"Cheesy Burgers!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOL your inner glow....nice one. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. those collars are awesome - and those are awesome photos
