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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spooky Thing

Looks like you found a nice spot for a nap, Henry.

Leather and Fur
Henry: "Very comfy."

Leather and Fur
Henry: "Wait… what's that?"

Spooky Sound
Henry: "Momma, there's a Spooky Thing over there."

That's just Zachary trying to scare you.

Spooky Movie
Zachary: "Don't be such a puppy, Henry. Oh look, there's a Zoombie Movie on!"
Henry: "Don't like Zoombies."

Something's Down There
Zachary: "What did I just see go skittering across the floor?"
Henry: "The Spooky Thing that Momma says is you."

Dog Blog Post #1414

Looks like the boys found An Ideal Setting for a nap or to watch a movie - at least until they heard a noise!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 10 2014 - "An Ideal Setting"

114 Pictures in 2014 - "#54. Leather"

Monday Mischief

Something's Down There
Zachary: "Pretty sure that isn't me."
Henry: "You can get off the sofa and tell Momma."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOL wonder what it was....maybe a squirrel????? Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I hope it wasn't that giant spider that I've seen lurking around your house from time to time!


  3. So what is the spooky thing that shall not be named?

  4. I do not like spooky things either ... especially nameless spooky things. Happy Monday Boys!

  5. Hmmmm.....maybe a squirrel snuck in from outside???

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
