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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Too Early

Rise and shine, boys!

Too Early
Zachary: "Too Early."
Henry: "Zzzzzzz"

Sun's out, birds are singing, flowers blooming…

Too Early
Zachary: "She's GOT to be kidding."
Henry: "Zzzzzzzz"

… scents to be scented, trails to be tracked, games to be played...

Too Early
Zachary: "Does she have a Snooze Bar?"
Henry: "Sleepy, Momma."

… Cookies to be eaten...

Too Early

Dog Blog Post #1423

The boys clearly think Early Morning is for Relaxing not Getting Up.

And I'm with them!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 20 2014 - "Early Morning"

Daily Dog Challenge 932. "Relaxing"

I was still gathering props when I looked into the "studio" and noticed the boys had already posed themselves quite nicely.

"Ready, Mom."
This is a good view of Henry's perennial "bed head", and yes, it is as soft and makes as good a pillow as it looks.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Cookies are definitely worth waking up for. Gorgeous as always!!

  2. I am a bed head so cookies probably would be the only word I'd want to hear on an early morning apart from squirrels that is LOL. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Looks like the word cookies gets them out of sleep mode. We are early morning dogs at our house, not much lounging around here until after breakfast :) Such a cute bear you have too!

  4. The "C" word always gets action in our home too.

  5. I can't even tell you, at nine AM, how ready I am to go back to bed. Henry and Zachary have the right idea.

  6. This might be one of my favorites of yours, they are so cute!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful idea to us! This morning we were tempted to stay in bed and snooze a little more...

  8. Why are dogs so much more cuddly when it's time to wake up in the morning?

  9. Aw, they are adorable. I'm with them. Stay in bed! ;-)

    So nice to meet you! Visiting from Wordless Wednesday. :-) I think I'm going to hop on over and follow that link to the Photography Challenge! Sounds like our kind of fun!

  10. love the snooze bar! cute photos of the boyz as always!
