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Sunday, May 25, 2014

We're Walking...

Fluffy Henry
Henry: "I don't know Momma, there isn't much room."

Plenty of room, Henry.

Just give it a try.

We're Walking
Henry: "Ooooh… going to hit my nose."

No you aren't.

Look for the Cookie.

We're Walking
Henry: "Cookie!"

We're Walking

Dog Blog Post #1428

The boys are about 5 feet from tip of nose to tip of tail. My backdrop is 6 feet wide. My kitchen is a generous 8 feet wide.

That means getting a shot of the boys Walking across the available space showing off their Tail is a bit of challenge.

These shots were obtained by putting them in a sit in the far left corner, and dropping Cookies in the far right corner (where I was standing, smushed up against the cabinets to avoid being in the shot).

In a few cases, a bit of cloning to extend the backdrop in the upper right corner or erase my foot from the lower was required.

FWIW: The last photo (below) is of Zachary in pretty much the same position as Henry (directly above) and the neatness of Zachary's coat compared to "Bed Head" above should be pretty obvious.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 25 2014 - "Walking"

Daily Dog Challenge 937. "Tail"

Zachary Can Walk, Too

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "I don't know what the pup is fussing about."

We're Walking

Zachary tends to carry his tail low and gently swishing, making the shot above rather unusual.

I'm not sure why he carries it low when walking, as he is perfectly capable of flying it high and does so when excited or giving alarm at the door.

Monday Mischief

Henry's sure almost running into a cabinet is more than enough mischief for a monday.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great walking shots. Have a great memorial day and a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Mom wishes we lived in a giant photo studio, but we don't so, like you, we have to make adjustments but the challenge is part of the fun.

  3. There really is a difference in their coats. :) Such handsome boys. You do amazing work.

  4. Beautiful photos! Love those fluffy tails :)

  5. Love the photos. Sniffs from Laika and Vaks.

  6. Beautiful walking shots. You did get them walking, just not very far.I look forward to your shots!

  7. Those are very nice walking shots and the dogs, as always, look beautiful! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend :)
