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Sunday, June 29, 2014

All Tied Up

What are you two doing?

Crochet Club
Zachary: "We're learning how to crochet."
Henry: "I get to hold the yarn."

Dogs don't crochet.

Crochet Club

Well, you can try, of course.

I don't mean to suggest you can't.

Actually, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.


Without a doubt.


Crochet Club


Crochet Club

Even without opposable thumbs.

Crochet Club

Dog Blog Post #1463

The boys decided to take String in paw, avoid the crowds, and learn how to Crochet during this year's Staycation.

Henry certainly sheds enough to keep them well supplied with "wool".

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 29, 2014 - "String"

Daily Dog Challenge 971. "Staycation"

Crochet Club
Henry: "I told you it was a dumb idea. Pfththththth."
Zachary: "The peanut gallery needs a mute button."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. You need a cat involved to help out with the yarn! I can mail my cat bro Bert to you if you like. He does anything for food. Can't wait to see your finished product, will that be next week?

  2. Must be a theme. Bailey's crocheting for Monday mischief, too.

  3. Guessing nothing was made that day ;) haha

  4. LOL! The captions are fantastic. I love "silence" :)

  5. Your dogs crochet? I wish my dogs crocheted. Shoot, maybe I should teach the cat to crochet. Or the duck! That would be stellar.
