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Monday, June 30, 2014

Creature Comforts

Easy one today, Zachary.

I just need you to relax on your soft comforter, just like you do at night.

Creature Comforts
Zachary: "Right! Relax. I'm on it. Here… how's this? This is my good side. Holding still. Very still…"

Perhaps something a little less… posed?

Creature Comforts
Zachary: "Right! Less posed. Head lower. Not posed. Nope. Not posed at all…"

Maybe you could think sleepy thoughts?

Creature Comforts
Zachary: "Right! Counting sheep. Counting sheep. One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep…"

Ummm… Right.

Good job, Zachary.

Dog Blog Post #1464

The boys enjoy lying on our old California King-sized comforter, which we loosely form into a dog-sized bed.

It normally rests on the floor in our bedroom and sees frequent use, especially when the weather turns too warm to spend the night on The Big Bed with us.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 30, 2014 - "Comfort"

Daily Dog Challenge 972. "Creature Comforts"


Henry, I don't suppose you could...

Creature Comforts
Henry: "Comfy bed…"

Creature Comforts
Henry: "… nappy time… "

Creature Comforts
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I nominated you for the Shine On Award on my blog today! Pop by to grab the badge and the rules :)

  2. Now you know counting sheep is just going to make you want to jump and chase them! haha!! great shots and not posed at all! ♥♥
