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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father Son Bonding

Father Son Bonding
Henry: "What are we doing today?"
Zachary: "Bird watching."

Father Son Bonding
Zachary: "Oooooo"
Henry: "Ahhhhh"

Father Son Bonding
Zachary: "Look at those over there."
Henry: "Where?"

Father Son Bonding

Father Son Bonding
Zachary: "Soooo… who's up for an ice cream?"

Dog Blog Post #1449

If Gossamer = flimsy, then here is my Flimsy response the challenge.

Seriously, today was a total fail, as I managed to hit NEITHER challenge despite my best efforts with my gauzy fabric.

My original idea (see below) was so unpopular with the boys that they actually staged a protest and walked off the set.

Both of them.

At the same time!

I'm still not sure why.

Oh, well - Happy Father's Day!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 13, 2014 - "Gossamer"

Daily Dog Challenge 958. "Bonny and Blithe and Good and Gay"

Bonny = Attractive, and I think the boys look quite handsome today! :)

Mischief Monday

This is what I wanted...

What I was Looking For

… and this is what I got...

What I Got

There wasn't anything about this that was either new or weird in any way.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. The boys can rock a hat though!! I love visiting your blog, it always makes me smile. Thanks!

  2. We laughed so much at the idea of the golden dudes marching off set. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. That is some furtastic Father-Son bonding time. So glad you had such an amazing Father's Day... despite the mischief.

  4. You always do such great work, and this shoot was cute anyway. It doesn't always turn out perfect. As long as you and the dogs have fun, that is the main thing.

  5. Models can be so temperamental. What was that fuzzy black thing in the first few shots? Looks kinda like a fake beard?

    1. A rather bedraggled toy duck. It wasn't cooperating either.

  6. Here's what mom would say: You're setting your expectations too high. They're dogs. She's basically given up on getting me to do the photos she really wants. Good luck though! Love Dolly

  7. I love your photos and your text. This blog is so funny with the most fantastic photos :-)
