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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Picnic Lunch

Picnic Lunch
Henry: "We're lost."

Picnic Lunch
Zachary: "Nonsense. We just follow the blue line until we cross the green line and then… hmm… or is it the orange line? Anyway, from there it's just a few letters over to the yellow line and we're out." 

Picnic Lunch
Henry: "Which means… we're lost."
Zachary: "How are our provisions?"

Dog Blog Post #1452

Zachary's checking the map for the…

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 18, 2014 - "Paths"

… they need to take, while Henry's checkout out the goodies in the...

Daily Dog Challenge 959. 960. "Picnic"

… basket.

I sure hope they don't get lost!

Photography Assignment

Picnic Lunch


Per request, I've added a link/widget to bloglovin' in the sidebar (below Followers).

Note that it shows the original name of the blog (BZ Training) and not my At Least A Year Old name (BZ Dogs) and I had to use the real blogger address (bztraining.blogspot.com) vs. my shorter URL (bzdogs.com) to make it happy.

Ah, technology.

The FAQ seems to suggest I can change the name to match reality, so I'll give it a few pokes over the weekend.

That said, the posts appear to be current. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Not a fan of Bloglovin for reasons you don't want to hear here. But I love their picnic! I had a feeling you'd have ants in your shot somehow! lol

  2. Nothing like a good picnic on a sunny day we say.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I certainly hope the boys aren't lost at all, and if they are, I hope they got a lot of food in that basket :-)

  4. YES!! I will never miss another of your fabulous photos!! You seriously make my day brighter!!
