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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gone Fishin'

The boys got a rare night off...

Gone Fishin'
Zachary: "Zzzzzzzz"

Dog Blog Post #1495

The boys looking Nice and Comfortable as they take a rare night off from being photography models.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1003. "Nice and Comfortable"

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 31, 2014 - "Gone Fishin' …for some folks it’s a term that is used when you decide to take a break from doing your daily routine and go off to do something you really like."

Cookie Spot
Henry: "Shhhh Momma, Henry sleepy."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Negative Space?

Negative Space
Zachary: "Rats. Barely a drip."

Negative Space
Zachary: "Better, but still not quite…"

Negative Space
Zachary: "Now that's more like it."

Negative Space
Zachary: (slurp slurp slurp)

Dog Blog Post #1494

When I mentioned today's challenges to Hubby, he said the bathroom was probably a Negative Space for the boys!

FWIW: These were lit by bouncing the off-camera flash (unshielded) up and off the room-length mirror that parallels the tiled wall you see.

If you look carefully, you can see pretty much the entire room, including the flash stand and camera (on tripod), reflected in the body of the closest faucet.

And yes, Zachary really did turn on the faucet for the second picture. :)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1002. "Negative Space"

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 30, 2014 - "Splash!"

Somewhat surprisingly, Zachary was more curious than worried, and when I cupped my hand to make the splash he immediately decided a drink was in order.

The Precious Puppy wanted nothing what-so-ever to do with running water.

Negative Space
Henry: "Looks harmless."

It is harmless.

Now lean a little closer while I...

Negative Space
Henry: "Boof! Boof! Boof!"

Henry, it's just a bit of water.

You love dripping water from your water bowl all over the house.

Negative Space
Henry: "This water doesn't look friendly."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Party Continues...

Party Table
Zachary: "… and then the cat…"

Excuse me… excuse me, please.

I'm Ms. Reporter writing for the People Section of BZ Times, and I hear that Mr. Henry is celebrating his fourth Birthday today.

Party Table
Henry: "Awww shucks."
Zachary: "Actually, that was YESTERDAY. We're just having a few…"

Close enough.

So, Mr. Henry, what did you get for your Birthday?

Our readers want to know!

Party Table
Zachary: "He got a box of Cookies, of course."
Henry: "Actually, there were three boxes."

Three? Wow!

Party Table
Zachary: "Three? Really? I thought you said there was just one box?"
Henry: "By the time you asked me there was just one box… left."

Party Table
Zachary: "Mom!"
Henry: "They were Yummy!"

Dog Blog Post #1493

Looks like Henry's Birthday continued on into today, with Zachary treating him to some Sweet Treats of Cookies down at the Dancing Dog.

Alas, due to drought and mandatory watering restrictions, the local Flora on the table is limited to some Bronze Fennel sprigs and a few tuffs of Buddleia.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 29, 2014 - "Sweet Treats"

Daily Dog Challenge 1001. "Flora"

A Few Still (and Wordless) Lifes

Party Table

Dog Cookies

Party Ribbon

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Henry!

Happy Birthday Henry!
Henry: "For me, Momma?"

Yes sweetie.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Henry!
Henry: "I hope it's Cookies."

Open it and find out.

Happy Birthday Henry!
Henry: "And I don't have to share with anyone, right?"

Well, true.

But that means the anyones you don't share with might not share with you when they have a birthday.

Happy Birthday Henry!
Henry: (gasp)

Dog Blog Post #1492

My Baby Boy is four years old today!

Hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday he was a fuzzy little pup snoozing in my lap.

For the curious, Zachary is two years older.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 28, 2014 - "Barrier"

The wrapping paper, of course, meaning...

Daily Dog Challenge 1000. "Access Denied"

… to the three boxes of Birthday Cookies within.

At least until the shoot was over!

Happy Birthday Henry!
Henry: "I like to share."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Portrait of a Dog in a Red Turban

Henry, stop smiling.

The painting we are imitating has no smiling.

Portrait of Dog in a Red Turban
Henry: "Sorry, Momma. Getting the giggles."

Stop that!

Portrait of Dog in a Red Turban
Henry: "He he he."


Portrait of Dog in a Red Turban
Zachary: "Not smiling."

Very good, now lower your head a little and look right at the camera…

Dog Blog Post #1491

Let it be officially noted that putting a turban on a dog is hard.

Today's turban is two yards of red fabric, split lengthwise (long ago, for a different shoot) folded lengthwise to hide the interior, then wrapped around the red fedora.

Like all shots today, this one has been flipped horizontally.

My electrical outlet is on the right, hence all my lighting is typically from the right.

However, the painting I was trying to match was lit from the left, hence the post-processing flip.

This also meant I had to download the original, flip IT horizontally, to try to get the "look" (and turban) right as I was shooting backwards.

Alas, it is STILL really hot, and Henry just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Then then right after I shot the one of Zachary (above) and I was trying to get him to lower his muzzle a bit, the hat and turban fell on the floor in an ugly heap, thus ending the shoot!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 27, 2014 - "Red"

Daily Dog Challenge 999. "Like A Painting"

A Jan van Eyck (c. 1433) painting, to be exact:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portrait_of_a_Man_(Self_Portrait%3F) -- note: Blogger mangles link, so you'll end up at Wikipedia's disambiguation page. Should be the topmost link.

Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry

Monday Mischief

I think turbans are now on my Banned Items List!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Future

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Oh good, you're just in time to watch us assemble our next set."
Henry: "Too Hot. Too Tired."

A set for what?

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Hamlet… King Lear… Romeo and Juliet!"

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Henry gets to be Juliet."
Henry: "Momma!"

No Henry, you don't have to play a girl if you don't want to.

What play do you want to do?

Golden Playing Company
Henry: "Willie Wonka and the Cookie Factory!"

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "You'll make a great Oompa-Loompa."

Dog Blog Post #1490

Looks like the famed acting troupe is planing for The Future by working on some new set pieces. I hope they realize that working with cardboard is an All or Nothing proposition.

You either end up with a great (cheap!) prop or crumpled fodder for the compost heap.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 26, 2014 - "The Future"

Daily Dog Challenge 998. "All or Nothing"

Golden Playing Company
Henry: "Keep it up Blueberry Girl."
Zachary: "I don't suppose your paw fits inside these scissors."

Aside: Blazing hot AND a Day Spa day - not a good combination.

I'm lucky they didn't walk off the set.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Dark Side

In an Alternate Universe somewhere...

The Dark Side
Evil Zachary: "Oh dear…"

The Dark Side
Evil Zachary: "… Miss Kitty seems to be trapped in the chest."

The Dark Side
Evil Henry: "Poor Miss Kitty."

The Dark Side
Evil Henry: "I hold her fate in my paw."

The Dark Side
Evil Henry: "Looks like more Cookies for me."

Dog Blog Post #1489

Oh dear.

I'm not sure this is what my Mom had in mind when she asked if Miss Kitty would fit inside the chest.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 25, 2014 - "The Dark Side"

Daily Dog Challenge 997. "Mischief/Mischievous"

Still Life with Chest
Still Life with Miss Kitty
-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rock Hound

Rock Hound
Professor Henry: "Behold, an Ammonite..."

Rock Hound
Professor Henry: "… now sadly just a fossil…"

Rock Hound
Professor Henry: "… kinda like Momma."

Dog Blog Post #1488

The great Paleontologists, proudly displaying their Ammonites - their Late Ammonites - now just a Rock.

Little Hammer curtesy of Son, made in High School Shop Class.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 996. "Late"

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 24, 2014 - "Rock"

Meanwhile, in an Alternate Universe

Rock Hound
Professor Zachary: "And here we have a fossilized Ammonite, Mom..."

Rock Hound
Professor Zachary: "… from your childhood days. He he he."

Rock Hound
Professor Zachary: "Mom?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Ok, Zachary, now look at the flowers...

Zachary: (sniff sniff sniff)

Good… almost done…

Zachary: "Trade?"

Yes, Honey Pup.

You earned your Cookies.


Henry: "What's my line?"

No lines today, Henry.

You just need to hold still while I take the pictures.

Henry: "Oh."

Nice… now look up...

Henry: "Ho Hum. Wanting Cookies in my tum."

Perhaps a little more enthusiasm?

Dog Blog Post #1487

"Patience is the companion of wisdom."

-- Saint Augustine

The boys know that if they are patient, and do what I ask with the Modest little Daisies, they will be handsomely rewarded.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 995. "Modest"

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 23, 2014 - "Wise Words of Wisdom"

Henry: "No Cookies? No enthusiasm."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

2 Brown Dawgs