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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Family Fun

At the Ale House
Zachary: "Oh, waitress? More Cookies, please!"
Henry: "Please!"

At the Ale House
Zachary:  (whisper whisper) "… and then the cat came racing around the corner…" (whisper whisper)

At the Ale House
Zachary: "Where are our Cookies?"
Henry: "Henry hungry."

At the Ale House

At the Ale House
Zachary: "I don't suppose you brought any Cookies with you?"

Dog Blog Post #1470

Sadly, most tourist places around here are off-limits to the boys.

However, they are welcome when the day is done at the local Ale House, on their outdoor dining patio, where your dog can join you at your table and are served water and treats.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 6, 2014 - "Be A Tourist In Your Town"

Daily Dog Challenge 978. "Good Times"

Monday Mischief

At the Ale House
Zachary: "Burp!"
Henry: "Another beer, please!"

Wait… beer?

What are you two doing drinking beer?!

But Why is this Post Called Family Fun?

See my nifty new "stone" backdrop?

That's wallpaper over a 4'x4'x1/4" piece of underlayment plywood.

(Yes, Mom, wallpaper!)

Which is where the Family Fun came in.

You see, a few weeks ago I found a lone roll of wallpaper on sale at the local hardware store for just $2.97.

$2.97! Original price was ~$30. I'm guessing it must be pretty hard to sell one 11 yard roll of stone-patterned wallpaper, hence the huge markdown.

Anyway, although I have zero experience with wallpaper, I've been looking for an "city" backdrop for quite some time and it just seemed too good a deal to pass up.

So there we were this afternoon, me and Hubby and Son, smearing watered-down White Elmer's Glue all over the board with cheap little foam "brushes" then trying to get the pattern to line up as we laid the strips of wallpaper down.

Son commented on how much it reminded him of his grade-school projects, the ones that ended up being huge time sinks and took the entire weekend (and family) to complete, otherwise known as "Family Fun".

In the end, I was incredibly pleased with how it came out, and while it was lot of work (for a novice) it was totally worth it.

Still Life
Still Life with Green Bottle

Alas, the camera was way too enamored with all those lovely crisp lines on the wallpaper, choosing to focus on it instead of the boys the vast majority of the time.

Next time, I'll force the focus myself instead of relying on auto-focus to do its job.

Oh well, live and learn.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. That is a fantastic backdrop idea! Of course, now I'm going to have to start haunting wallpaper stores...

  2. Cool idea! Until you explained it, we figured you had a stone wall in your home! Really nice and the shots of the dogs were great too!

  3. Love the backdrop. It does look real.

  4. I'm impressed! Y'all did a great job with the wallpaper. That's genius, looking for wallpaper as backdrops.

  5. Great wallpaper. You'll never know it is wallpaper. Fantastic.

  6. Love the hats and of course, always love pictures of the boys. What an ingenious backdrop idea. I will have to swing by the wall paper section next time I'm at Home Depot or Lowes!
