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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gone Fishin'

What are you two doing???

Gone Fishing
Henry: "We're fishing for a Cat Fish."

Uh… guys? I don't think you're going to find a catfish in the bucket…

Gone Fishin'

… and I'm afraid Dog Cookies won't make very good bait even if you did.

Gone Fishing

Time Passes…

Gone Fishing
"Yay! We caught a Cat Fish!"

Gone Fishing
Henry: "Wow! It worked, Uncle Zachary, it worked!"

Gone Fishing
Zachary: "Was there ever any doubt?"

Dog Blog Post #1477

The boys decided to Try Something New and went Fishing, looking for the Elusive Cat Fish.

Looks like they were successful!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 984. "Elusive"

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 12, 2014 - "Try Something New"

I decided to Try Something New and build a fishing rod.

One foldable pointer, one piece of twine, two empty Cottage Cheese containers (one for the bait and one (inverted) to hold the "rod", which now sports a rod-sized hole in the bottom), some rocks (to secure the rod), and a bit of black fabric (to hide the "rod holder") later…


Gone Fishing
Zachary: "Now where's that BBQ?"
Henry: "Yum!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I laughed out loud at the silence photos! You are so clever! LOL!

  2. You made our day with that blogpost LOL :-)
