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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Great Cookie Bin Robbery

What are you two doing!

Great Cookie Bin Robbery
Zachary: "Shhhh, don't say anything."
Henry: "We're using Dynamite to blow up the Cookie Bin and then..."

Great Cookie Bin Robbery
Henry: "Mmmmmm"

Don't you think you're standing a bit close?

Great Cookie Bin Robbery

Great Cookie Bin Robbery
Zachary: "I'm sure..."

Great Cookie Bin Robbery
Henry: "Momma might have a point this time."
Zachary: "Oh, Miss Kitty!"

Dog Blog Post #1473

This can't be good.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 8, 2014 - "Changes to Come"

Daily Dog Challenge 980. "Look Out!"

Great Cookie Bin Robbery
Still Life with Dynamite?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. That is my sister Katie's food bin! Careful, you will have cookie crumbs all over when it blows, LOL!

  2. Did it work? Did you get cookies?

  3. You got to love a furry gangsta!

  4. That is too clever! We would love a cookie explosion though!

  5. Miss Kitty is going to take some convincing to help you with this caper Zachary :)
