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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Play Time!

Zachary: "Pfthththththth"

"Fearsome Face!"

"More Fearsome Face!"

Henry: "Ahhhhhhh!"

(tumble tumble tumble)

Dog Blog Post #1478

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 13, 2014 - Fun"

… and...

Daily Dog Challenge 985. "Good Times"

… are clearly in the eyes of the beholder. The participants?

This is, paws down, the boys favorite game, and they'll spontaneously play it every few hours when we're around.

During the Fearsome Face part of the competition, the the boys open wide and show off their pearly whites. They don't actually do anything with their teeth, just flash them widely and look impressed with themselves.

I believe Zachary can open wider than Henry, although I'm not sure if extra points are scored for that or not.

Games last but a few minutes, there are no winners nor losers, and when done they collapse into happy panting heaps to take yet another nap.

-- Well, what did you THINK I was going to take a picture of??? :)

Photography Assignment

Henry: "Let's do it AGAIN!"
Zachary: "He he he!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. They are so cute!! So much fun!! :D

  2. We only get to do that stuff outside. Way to show off your teeth like a couple of lions!

  3. Love those pics. Great snarly faces!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  4. Look at those pearly whites! Mauja and Atka do the same thing. They enjoy adding vocals as well. If you're not looking at them, you would think they are getting a little carried away. It's ll wide mouthed fun play for them. :)

  5. They look like lions in the third photo! My boys play the same way. The only time their teeth make contact is when they bump together!
