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Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Future

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Oh good, you're just in time to watch us assemble our next set."
Henry: "Too Hot. Too Tired."

A set for what?

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Hamlet… King Lear… Romeo and Juliet!"

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "Henry gets to be Juliet."
Henry: "Momma!"

No Henry, you don't have to play a girl if you don't want to.

What play do you want to do?

Golden Playing Company
Henry: "Willie Wonka and the Cookie Factory!"

Golden Playing Company
Zachary: "You'll make a great Oompa-Loompa."

Dog Blog Post #1490

Looks like the famed acting troupe is planing for The Future by working on some new set pieces. I hope they realize that working with cardboard is an All or Nothing proposition.

You either end up with a great (cheap!) prop or crumpled fodder for the compost heap.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 26, 2014 - "The Future"

Daily Dog Challenge 998. "All or Nothing"

Golden Playing Company
Henry: "Keep it up Blueberry Girl."
Zachary: "I don't suppose your paw fits inside these scissors."

Aside: Blazing hot AND a Day Spa day - not a good combination.

I'm lucky they didn't walk off the set.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. LOL lucky they didn't walk off the set. Too hot here as well. Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Love this one. The boys have the best facial expressions. Henry as an Oompa Loompa would be very funny indeed.
