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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Party Continues...

Party Table
Zachary: "… and then the cat…"

Excuse me… excuse me, please.

I'm Ms. Reporter writing for the People Section of BZ Times, and I hear that Mr. Henry is celebrating his fourth Birthday today.

Party Table
Henry: "Awww shucks."
Zachary: "Actually, that was YESTERDAY. We're just having a few…"

Close enough.

So, Mr. Henry, what did you get for your Birthday?

Our readers want to know!

Party Table
Zachary: "He got a box of Cookies, of course."
Henry: "Actually, there were three boxes."

Three? Wow!

Party Table
Zachary: "Three? Really? I thought you said there was just one box?"
Henry: "By the time you asked me there was just one box… left."

Party Table
Zachary: "Mom!"
Henry: "They were Yummy!"

Dog Blog Post #1493

Looks like Henry's Birthday continued on into today, with Zachary treating him to some Sweet Treats of Cookies down at the Dancing Dog.

Alas, due to drought and mandatory watering restrictions, the local Flora on the table is limited to some Bronze Fennel sprigs and a few tuffs of Buddleia.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 29, 2014 - "Sweet Treats"

Daily Dog Challenge 1001. "Flora"

A Few Still (and Wordless) Lifes

Party Table

Dog Cookies

Party Ribbon

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Ha ha ha! Only one left sounds honest enough to me!

  2. LOL I like that ONE left MOL!!! Oooh who ate the rest eh???

    * giggles *

  3. Happy 4th birthday Henry a.k.a. Cookie Monster! It sounds like you had a great time. ♥♥♥♥

  4. Cute! Happy 4th birthday. My mom had a birthday yesterday too, but it was a huge milestone birthday.

  5. LOL sounds like the cookies went down a treat. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Love these pictures, the party, and the interview! Haha!

  7. Love these pictures, the party, and the interview! Haha!

  8. I really enjoyed this post. Loved the story. Thanks so much for the time involved with photo's and captions.

  9. LOVE these photos! I want to be there :)

  10. How fun! Happy birthday! I hope it was wonderful and you enjoyed all your cookies. I decree that when its your birthday you have the right to eat it all!
