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Friday, July 18, 2014

Treasure Chest

Captain Zachary
Captain Zachary: "At long last, the Treasure within is mine, all mine!"

Captain Zachary
Captain Zachary: "Nobody to the left..."

Captain Zachary
Captain Zachary: "… nobody to the…"

Captain Zachary
Captain Zachary: "Oh, Hi Mom."

Dog Blog Post #1482

I'd been trying to convince myself to buy this Chest for weeks.

It made it as far as the shopping cart yesterday before I balked at the $20 price tag.

When I saw today's challenge of Curves I decide it was meant to be.

I thought it went well with the curves of the Pirate Hat and the curves of my (current) favorite decorative fabric, used as a Coat of Gold today.

The white "cravat" was picked up for pennies from the fabric remnants bin - literally - I think it was < $0.50. I hadn't a clue what I was going to do with it, but it draped nicely, didn't seem to wrinkle, and was… well… cheap.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jul 18, 2014 - "Curves"

Daily Dog Challenge 990. "Eyes On The Prize"

Captain Henry
Captain Henry: "Feeling blurry. Must stay clear of the Rum."

Ok, I admit that $20 isn't a HUGE amount for a prop - until you see what my prop closet looks like.

And you start to do the math of how many pieces of fabric I have.

And hats.

And special-purchase unbreakable "glass" cups and mugs and vases and…

Well, you get the idea.

Besides, if I didn't obsess over the price of things then my closet/house might soon look like an episode of hoarders.

Photography Prop Hoarders

Hmm… I might be onto something!

Treasure Chest
Still Life with Treasure Chest and Skull

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. You sound like me when deciding whether or not to buy a prop! I love the chest though, so wise investment! You should really publish a book of your photographs. They are always the highlight of my blog hopping! ♥
