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Sunday, August 31, 2014


Now think Royal Thoughts...

Royal Henry
Henry: "Thinking Royal."

Royal Henry
Henry: "Feeling Royal."

Nicely done, Henry.

Ok Zachary - let's see what you have.

Mix and Match
Zachary: "Ta-da!"


Dog Blog Post #1526

Zachary, I'm just not sure the straw hat goes with that royal purple and gold robe.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 30, 2014 - "Complementary Colors"

Daily Dog Challenge 1034. "Mix"

… and Match?

Happy Zachary
Zachary: "He he he"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Saturday, August 30, 2014

End of the Season

End Of Summer
Zachary: "Well, I guess it's time to box up the Summertime Stuff."
Henry: "Yup."

End Of Summer
Zachary: "Hats, beach towels, snorkels - all into this box, here."
Henry: "Hmmm"

End Of Summer
Zachary: "One little box."
Henry: "Hmmm"


Since when did you two have snorkels???

Dog Blog Post #1525

The boys bid Farewell To the Season as they boxed up their summertime hats, beach towels, and snorkels.

Hmmm… looks like there's more stuff Outside the box than inside!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1033. "Farewell To the Season"

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 30, 2014 - "Outside"

End Of Summer
Zachary: "Need a bigger box Mom."
Henry: "You forgot the SCUBA gear."

Any lack of enthusiasm you detect is genuine, as today was Day Spa day and the boys were more interested in snoozing than posing.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 29, 2014

Golden Moonshine

Golden Moonshine
Zachary: "Oh… he he he… Hi Mom."

What are you two doing???

Golden Moonshine
Henry: "We made a…"

Golden Moonshine
Zachary: "Tea Pot. A really... fancy… tea pot."

Golden Moonshine
Henry: "Filled with cornmeal… tea."

Dog Blog Post #1524

Zachary, you are so busted.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 29, 2014 - "Still"

Yes, I made it today.

Yes, I had fun doing it. :)

Daily Dog Challenge 1032. "Distinctive"

I love the way both boys look in a Fedora yet find each wears it in their own distinctive way.

Today was Zachary's day, and I think he looks best as shown here, wearing it straight and level.

Henry strikes me as the Humphrey Bogart type, and so when it's his turn I try to give the hat a bit of an angle.

Still Life with a Still
Now you see it

Ingredients for a  Still
Now you don't

Ingredients for a Still from common household items:

One Fondue Pot Stand
One Candle Holder
One Copper Tea Pot Cozy
One Copper Mug Sleeve
One Coil of Copper Tubing

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot

Now everybody smile...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Not fair!"

Sorry Henry, let me move the camera over a bit.

There, all better.

Everybody smile...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Not Happy."

I really am sorry, but it's all fixed now.

Please give me a nice big smile?

1… 2… 3...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Crunchy Kibble."

Oh come on, Henry.

Let's get that smile all the way up to your ears, ok?

I'll give you extra Cookies…

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "What???"
Henry: "Cheesy Burger!"

I give up.

Dog Blog Post #1523

Complete with a Tilted, Starts With C Camera.

With the exception of the very first shot, these were all wide aperture, slow exposure shots (~1/15s f2.8) as the big-boy flash wasn't playing nicely with the little camera's LCD.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 28, 2014 - "Tilted"

Daily Dog Challenge 1031. "Starts With C"

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Not fair!"
Henry: "More Cookies!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


The Zen Master returns…

Zen Master
Zachary: "Ooooooohhhhmmmmm"

Zachary: "Chhhh…."

Zachary: "…ooooooooo…."

Zachary: "…mmmppp!"

Dog Blog Post #1522

Well, it made me smile. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 26, 2014 - "Humor"

Daily Dog Challenge 1030. "It's Mine"


Henry's only success...

Henry: (gulp!)

Zachary's only miss...

Zachary: "What???"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Henry: "Gasp!"

Henry: "Oh dear. Oh dear."

Henry: "Anybody know CPR?"

Circular Propulsion Resuscitation?

Circuit-Plug Reunification?

Canine Pant Reducer?

Dog Blog Post #1521

Oh No!

It looks like someone has Forgotten to plug in Henry's Fan.

While many may think a fan for a dog is Not Necessary, Henry would definitely beg to differ.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 26, 2014 - "Forgotten"

Daily Dog Challenge 1029. "Not Necessary"

Same Problem - A Slightly Different Approach

Zachary: "Gasp!"

(Rustle Rustle Rustle)

Making Faces
Zachary: "Ahhhhhhh"

Making Faces
Zachary: "Bowwwooowwwoooowww"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 25, 2014

Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag
Henry: "Mfph Mfph Mfph"

Oh, good!

Thank you for picking up the takeout for us, Henry.

Now give me just a second to get the shot...

Doggie Bag
(sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff)

Not helping…

Doggie Bag
"Cheesy Burgers!"

Dog Blog Post #1520

(Top shot) Henry, holding the Closed Doggie Bag containing their dinner.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 25, 2014 - "Closed"

Daily Dog Challenge 1028. "An Accomplishment"

While not his favorite trick, Henry will dutifully hold something in his mouth long enough for me to get the shot.

Doggie Bag
Zachary: "Smells wonderful."
Henry: "Zachary wouldn't notice if I..."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Story Time

Story Time
Zachary: "You're just in time, Mom."
Henry: "Zachary's gonna read me a Scary Story."

Not TOO scary I hope…

Story Time
Zachary: "Huh?"

Headless Cats?

Zombie Dogs?

The Tell Tale Tail?

Story Time
Zachary: "Hmmmm"

You DO remember what happened LAST time you read Henry a Really Scary Story, don't you?

Story Time
Zachary: "Don't remind me."
Henry: "Just because you couldn't find that Zombie under our bed doesn't mean it wasn't there."

Dog Blog Post #1519

How sweet. Looks like Zachary is going to be Reading to Henry.

That's One Smart Dog.

I just hope he doesn't pick something too scary and give the Precious Puppy nightmares!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 24, 2014 - "Reading"

This was my first idea for a Point of View…

Story Time
Zachary: "Once Upon A Time…"

… but didn't "show" well on the camera LCD and so I switched to a higher camera angle.

Seeing it full-sized, I'm now wondering if I should have stuck with it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 23, 2014

First Day of School

Telling Secrets
Henry: "It's time to go."
Zachary: "I know."

Ready For School
Zachary: "Promise me you'll be good while you're away at School."
Henry: "I Promise."

Ready For School
Zachary: "Don't forget to study."
Henry: "I won't."

Good grief, guys.

He'll be back again in a few hours.

Ready For School
Zachary: "Still good advice."
Henry: "Hours? I'd better pack a few more Cookies."

Dog Blog Post #1517

Today's images, somewhat unusually, are shown in chronological order - from the lighting/positioning test shot (top) down to the blooper shot (below) that ended the shoot.

As a side effect, it shows how uncomfortable the boys are facing away from the camera and how their heads rotate toward it over time.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 23, 2014 - "Begins With P"


Daily Dog Challenge 1026. "To Do List"

Spent the day helping Son move back into his Apartment for the Fall Term.

Blooper Shot

Henry: "Wardrobe Malfunction!"
Zachary: "He he he"

I do love hats on the boys, but some hats are easier to work with than others.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 22, 2014

Home Alone

Henry: "Yes Momma, we'll be Very Good while you're gone."


Foot in Mouth

"Gonna get you!"

Goofy Golden
Henry: "Hey Macarena!"

(Darned song is STILL stuck in my head!)

Dog Blog Post #1517

This is how they would defend their Boundaries - their personal space - if they had any, which they don't.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 22, 2014 - "Boundaries"

Daily Dog Challenge 1025. "Tooth / Fairy"

I so wanted to dress them up as the Tooth Fairy, I just couldn't pull the props together.

Note To Self: Buy that white piece of Tulle from the fabric store remnant box (that $1 piece I passed up on yesterday - sigh) to make Fairy Wings.

"He he he"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved