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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball
Zachary: "I got it!"

Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball
Zachary: "Got it!"

Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball
Zachary: "Mfpfph!"

Baseball Fan
Henry: "I got it!"

Baseball Fan
Henry: "Little help?"

Dog Blog Post #1508

Zachary is your classic ball-obsessed retriever.

Have I mentioned that Henry is really, really sweet?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 13, 2014 - "Sports"

Daily Dog Challenge 1016. "Concentration"

Per Reader Request...

My Studio...

My Studio

… otherwise known as my Kitchen.

This is were the vast majority of my pictures are taken and this is the setup I use the vast majority of the time. It goes up every evening and is completely removed when the shoot is over.

My favorite stretchy black velvet is binder-clipped to the cardboard tri-folds (think "Science Fair") which are in front of the gas range.

I use two tri-folds, one binder-clipped about a foot higher than the other, in order to give me a bit of extra height. A rubber band on left side and another on the right hold the binder-clips to the cabinet knobs and keep everything snuggly in place.

The reflector - just a sliver from this angle - is clipped to the fridge handle on the left.

The CFL (turned off) is behind the umbrella and in front of the dishwasher on the right. My Speedlight SB-700, usually my main source of my lighting but also off at the moment, is tucked in there as well on its own stand.

This is a wide aperture, slow exposure shot as my main lighting sources were off so you could see them.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

2 Brown Dawgs


  1. The boys looks like proffs :-)

  2. Great setup! Your pictures are always very nice. :-)

  3. Amazing shots that you create in your kitchen. They always look like they have been shot in a fancy studio. How clever you and your models are. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Great shots. Henry has the most innocent face in the world! Thanks for showing your studio.

  5. Love the photos and the captions! Very amusing!

  6. Fun action pictures. Thanks so much for joining the hop.

  7. Wow! I have always wanted a look "behind the scenes" of how you put together some pawesome shots! Thanks so much for sharing!
