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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot

Now everybody smile...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Not fair!"

Sorry Henry, let me move the camera over a bit.

There, all better.

Everybody smile...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Not Happy."

I really am sorry, but it's all fixed now.

Please give me a nice big smile?

1… 2… 3...

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Cheesy Burger!"
Henry: "Crunchy Kibble."

Oh come on, Henry.

Let's get that smile all the way up to your ears, ok?

I'll give you extra Cookies…

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "What???"
Henry: "Cheesy Burger!"

I give up.

Dog Blog Post #1523

Complete with a Tilted, Starts With C Camera.

With the exception of the very first shot, these were all wide aperture, slow exposure shots (~1/15s f2.8) as the big-boy flash wasn't playing nicely with the little camera's LCD.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 28, 2014 - "Tilted"

Daily Dog Challenge 1031. "Starts With C"

Photo Shoot of a Photo Shoot?
Zachary: "Not fair!"
Henry: "More Cookies!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOL you guys crack us up. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. BOL! I'm so glad for digital - I can't tell you how many photos I take until I get that good one. Although... I have found ways to use the bad ones too!

    Monty and Harlow

  3. I love that we both thought of the same thing for C! And Henry, you warm my heart, don't ever change!

  4. I love that we both thought of the same thing for C! And Henry, you warm my heart, don't ever change!

  5. Cute pictures. Thanks for joining the hop.
