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Sunday, August 10, 2014


Uh… what are you two doing?

Tigger Costume
Zachary: "I'm going to make a Tigger Costume for Henry for Halloween."
Henry: "Because Tiggers are wonderful things!"

That's very nice of you, Zachary.

If you need a hand cutting out the pattern or sewing it together just let me know.

Tigger Costume
Zachary: "Cutting? Pattern? Sewing?"
Henry: "Don't worry, Momma, Uncle Zachary said he could put it together all by himself, right Uncle Zachary?"

Tigger Costume
Zachary: "Well, if Mom insists on helping I'm sure I can come up with some little task or another."

Dog Blog Post #1505

Aww… how sweet. It looks like Zachary is going to make a Tigger Halloween Costume for Henry.


Should I be worried?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 10, 2014 - "Stripes"

Daily Dog Challenge 1013. "Pattern"

Tigger Costume
Zachary: "Is she insisting yet?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. LOL just love the Tigger hat. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I'd be worried. ;)

  3. I wouldn't be worried, just be camera ready when it's finished!

  4. Uh oh, is it really nearly that time of year again?! I dunno what wondrous creation my Mum will have me in? I would't mind Tigger! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
