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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Folding Backdrops

Wordless Wednesday

Now make sure the fabric edges line up evenly…

Folding Backdrops

… and don't pull too hard or they will stretch…

Folding Backdrops
(blink blink)

… and PLEASE try to avoid making wrinkles…

Folding Backdrops
(blink blink blink)
(pant pant)

… OK?

Folding Backdrops
(pant pant pant)

Dog Blog Post #1556

You'd think I'd learn...

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 30, 2014 - "Green"

Daily Dog Challenge 1064. "What a Mess!"

Cookie Me Woman
Zachary: "Cookie me, Woman."

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Feeling Pretty

Pretty dogs get lots of Cookies.

Hawaiian Beauty
Henry: "Feeling Pretty."

Here you go.

A nice big handful of Cookies.

Hawaiian Beauty
Zachary: "Feeling Pretty, too!"

And here's your big handful of Cookies.

Hawaiian Beauty
Zachary: "I could get used to this."

Dog Blog Post #1555

The boys are all decked out with Kukui Nut Beads for a necklace and lei's with Many flowers.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 29, 2014 - "Beads"

Daily Dog Challenge 1063. "Many"

Hawaiian Beauty
Miss Hawaii

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Great Cookie Heist

Great Cookie Heist
Zachary: "Bwhahahaha!"

Dog Blog Post #1554

Ah yes, the joys of living with a dog with a Vivid imagination.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 28, 2014 - "Vivid"

(Vivid Magnet? Vivid Green String?)

Daily Dog Challenge 1062. "Try It"

This is a first with my new "ACME" magnet.

Folks might recall seeing it in progress a while back when the boys were working on it as their craft project for the "Beginning/Ending" challenge in ODC.

This was also the first time I've tried "levitating" an item.

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes
Zachary: "Oh Mom, you're going to ruin it!"

Note the black construction paper covered paint can under the Cookie fabric covered bear can.

It was removed from the shot up top, and then the fabric covered bear can and magnet were moved up bit.

ACME Magnet
Up close and personal

The Making Of…

ACME Magnet

ACME Magnet

ACME Magnet

Making the magnet was way more work than I thought it was going to be!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 27, 2014

No no no!

Oh no no no…

Christmas Lights
"Christmas Lights!"

Absolutely not.

It's not even Halloween!

Christmas Lights
(blink blink blink)

Christmas Lights
Henry: "What's her problem?"
Zachary: "I have no idea."

Dog Blog Post #1553

What happened to Thanksgiving???

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 27, 2014 - "Electric/Electricity"

Daily Dog Challenge 1061. "Colorful"

These are wide aperture, slow exposure shots (f/2.8 1/20s)

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 26, 2014


Zachary: "Makeup!"

Primped and Pampered
Zachary: "Don't miss any spots."

Primped and Pampered
Zachary: "That tickles!"

Primped and Pampered
Zachary:  "Really Mom, I think I'm ready."

Dog Blog Post #1552

Hate selfies.

Love my blue microfiber drool rag.

Yes, that's my camera remote in my left (non-rag) hand.

I love that, too!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 26, 2014 - "Self Portrait"

Daily Dog Challenge 1060. "The Most Beautiful Dog..."

Primped and Pampered
Henry: "Ahhhhhhh"

That wasn't so bad, was it?

Primped and Pampered
Henry: "Pfththththth"

Just kidding - Henry absolutely loves being "raked", and will sit there for as long as I'm willing to brush him.

And yes, he is STILL shedding.

Always shedding.

If there were a market for shed dog fur I'd be rich.

Once again, camera remote in my left (non-rake) hand.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Henry

Happy Henry
Henry: "Henry Happy!"

And looking so adorable!

Now can you look serious for a moment?

Serious Henry
Henry: "With a Tigger Hat and Teddy Bear?"

Good point.

How about a Fedora and dramatic lighting?

Mr. Henry
Detective Henry

Mr. Zachary
Inspector Zachary

Mysterious Stranger
Mysterious Stranger

Dog Blog Post #1551

What Kind of Photography?

… wow… I had such a hard time with this challenge.

I bet everyone is so surprised with what a chose. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 25, 2014 - "What Kind of Photography"

Daily Dog Challenge 1059. "My Best Side"

Henry looks good at just about any angle except a true profile. Something about the set of his eyes and the planes of muzzle - it just doesn't "work".

I find that rather funny, as I think Zachary looks best in profile.

Why Henry Wears The Tigger Hat

Seriously Mom?
Zachary: "This is so humiliating."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Around Town

Around Town
Zachary: "Off to school with you."
Henry: "How much longer until summer?"

Around Town
Zachary: "He he he, nine months Pup."
Henry: "Nine?"

Around Town
Zachary: "That would be 270 days… or 6480 hours… or…."
Henry: "Not helping."

Dog Blog Post #1550

Around Town I'm seeing fall decorations and parents walking their kids to school.

The parents always look a lot happier than the kids do.

FWIW: The Number One prop in my box is the hat.

There's just something about a dog in a hat that makes me smile.

Stop on by Zachary and Henry's blog: bzdogs.com

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 24, 2014 - "Around Town"

Daily Dog Challenge 1058. "The Number One"

Still life with a Pumpkin, Scarecrow, and Crate.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Where's Henry?

Continuing from yesterday's Catch of the Day post...

Where's Henry?
Zachary: "Hmmm..."

Where's Henry?
Zachary: "Mom? Where's Henry?"


Where's Henry?
Henry: "Ah freedom… out in the wild..."

Where's Henry?
Henry: "… with autumn leaves piling up on my head..."

Where's Henry?
Henry: "I sure hope Momma brings Cookies soon."

Dog Blog Post #1549

A Fresh layer of colorful autumn leaves to Welcome The Season.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 23, 2014 - "Fresh"

Daily Dog Challenge 1057. "Welcome The Season"

Still Life with Colorful Leaves

Editor's Note: I knew I was in trouble when Mom sent me an email titled: "Free Henry".

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 22, 2014

Catch of the Day


Oh, you look adorable!

Catch of the Day
Henry: (sigh)

Now now, it's not that bad.

Catch of the Day
Henry: "Oh, WOE is me!"

Catch of the Day
Zachary: "He he he" (snort) "He he he" (snort)
Henry: "String… " (lick) "… stuck in… " (lick) "… mouth."

Dog Blog Post #1548

Poor Henry… see what happens when you are the "easy" one?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 22, 2014 - "String"

Daily Dog Challenge 1056. "All Tied Up"

Catch of the Day
Zachary: "Mmmm… looking plump and tender."
Henry: "Stop that!"  (lick) "Momma!" (lick)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Three Bags Full

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "The secret to Quality Control is a thorough examination of the items in question."
Henry: "Mmmm"

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "Salmon Cookies… Turkey Cookies…"
Henry: "Duck Cookies… BIG Cookies…"

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "BIG? How BIG?"
Henry: "Really, REALLY BIG."

What are you two doing???

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "Quality Control."
Henry: "Very important."

Quality Control of what?

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "Um… the grocery bags. Must make sure all three bags are structurally sound."
Henry: (burp)

Oh… Ok.

Thank you, Zachary.

I think.

Dog Blog Post #1547

The boys agree that The Key To Happiness is Three grocery bags filled with boxes of Cookies.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1055. "The Key To Happiness"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 21, 2014 - "Three"

Three Bags Full
Zachary: "Pfththththth."
Henry: "She bought Pumpkin Cookies!"

Wait… didn't I have FOUR bags???


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Snoopy's Dog Blog