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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Big Dog Little Dog

Big Dog Little Dog
Henry: "What have we here?"

Big Dog Little Dog
Henry: "It's a Mini-Me!"

Good job, Henry.

Now go fetch your Uncle - but don't tell him what today's shoot is.

I want it to be a surprise.

Time Passes…

Ok, Zachary - close your eyes...

Big Dog Little Dog
Zachary: "Oh boy, oh boy! I bet it's something delicious. A Cheesy Burger! It's a Bacon Cheesy…"

Big Dog Little Dog
Zachary: "… Burger?"

Big Dog Little Dog
Zachary: "Well, it might fit on a bun."


Dog Blog Post #1532

No puppies - stuffed or otherwise - were harmed in the making of this post.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 7, 2014 - "The Long and Short of It"

Daily Dog Challenge 1041. "By Comparison…"

Monday Mischief

Heavy processing usually means just one thing from me...

Big Dog Little Dog
Henry: "Feeling blurry, Momma."

… that the camera's autofocus and I had a serious disagreement over today's principle subject matter.


I'm not sure if it knew which picture I was going to like best and chose that one to screw up, or if I only liked it best because it was the one I couldn't use.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. Cute. I like finally seeing the face of the mini me in the last shot.

  2. Putting the mini one in a bun is something I should do and then eat it LOL. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Love the boys expressions in these photos.

  4. Very pretty pictures but I would have killed the stuffie. Love Dolly

  5. Even your blurry pics look pawsome! :)

    My Mum loves the ones when Henry and Zachary are looking down at puppy, she loves it when we're out and meet a little dog as I look down just the same and it makes her chuckle for some reason?

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
