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Monday, September 22, 2014

Catch of the Day


Oh, you look adorable!

Catch of the Day
Henry: (sigh)

Now now, it's not that bad.

Catch of the Day
Henry: "Oh, WOE is me!"

Catch of the Day
Zachary: "He he he" (snort) "He he he" (snort)
Henry: "String… " (lick) "… stuck in… " (lick) "… mouth."

Dog Blog Post #1548

Poor Henry… see what happens when you are the "easy" one?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 22, 2014 - "String"

Daily Dog Challenge 1056. "All Tied Up"

Catch of the Day
Zachary: "Mmmm… looking plump and tender."
Henry: "Stop that!"  (lick) "Momma!" (lick)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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