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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Stock Up

10 Reasons
Zachary: "… and so we recommend ordering ten boxes at a time."
Henry: "Because you can NEVER have too many Cookies."

Well, I'm not sure about…

10 Reasons
Henry: "But what if there is an avalanche? Or a meteor hits? Or a volcano explodes and covers the roads with really hot lava? Or…"
Zachary: "Mmmmmm"

I really don't think you need to worry too much about ANY of those things as it's summer, we don't live near any mountains and definitely no volcanoes, and the probability of being hit by a meteor is...

10 Reasons


Stock up on Cookies.

Got it.

Dog Blog Post #1536

The boys found 10 Reasons To Be Happy when their order of Photography Cookies arrived today after several days On The Road.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1045. "Reasons To Be Happy"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 10, 2014 - "On The Road"

I know… more than a bit of a stretch this time. :(

10 Reasons
Zachary: "Hey!"
Henry: "Nom nom nom."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

2 Brown Dawgs


  1. OMD golden doods cookie heaven. Enjoy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Very cute! I always love your photos and the witty captions!

  3. They are showing a LOT of restraint. I know one of my dogs would NOT. LOL

  4. And thank you for joining the blog hop!!

  5. No you can never have too many cookies! And how did you get the photo with both tongues out! Love Dolly

  6. No you can never have too many cookies! And how did you get the photo with both tongues out! Love Dolly

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Oh what a great treat!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Thanks for joining the Barks and Bytes hop. Brown dawgs like the idea of getting 10 boxes of cookies at a time. :)
