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Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Educated Dog

The Educated Dog
Zachary: "Experts recommend reading to Puppies for at least 20 minutes a day."

And what are we reading?

The Educated Dog
Henry: "It's OK Momma. It's an Educational Book."


What's the topic?

The Educated Dog
Zachary: "Exercising." 


What KIND of exercising?

The Educated Dog
Henry: "Cat Chasing!"


Dog Blog Post #1544

My fridge magnet says a Golden Retriever is smarter than an Honor Student, so it must be true - right?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1052. "Factoid"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 18, 2014 - "Library"

The Educated Dog

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Pawsome choice of reading matter dude. Pawsome! Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I have a Siberian husky..he has a lot a personality. What is weird is whenever I am watching NGC or Animal Planet..he'll always sit there. He even watches me reading newspaper with a lot of interest..at times he looks kinda scholarly!! Got a tag for him from http://www.pettagsiddogscats.com..he now plays with it at times..the only time he turns all adorable!!

  3. I have a Siberian husky..he has a lot a personality. What is weird is whenever I am watching NGC or Animal Planet..he'll always sit there. He even watches me reading newspaper with a lot of interest..at times he looks kinda scholarly!! Got a tag for him from http://www.pettagsiddogscats.com..he now plays with it at times..the only time he turns all adorable!!

  4. I saw the pictures last night and I am still giggling about it all today! This was such a perfect set up and I love how you set up your "bookshelves!" I have to remember that for the future.

    1. Love my crates!

      I just bought them yesterday. Had two 50% off coupons at Joanne's fabric store so I paid just $6.50 each. I think they should be versatile as props and useful to hold other props the rest of the time :)
