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Monday, November 17, 2014

Let It Snow?

Look, guys - it's snowing!

Let It Snow
Henry: "Ooooooo. Pretty!"

Let It Snow
Zachary: "Ha ha, Mom. Very funny."
Henry: "The Snowflakes have tails so the Angels can pull them back up and reuse them."

Dog Blog Post #1605

I'm afraid…

Daily Dog Challenge 1112. "Interesting Displays"

… of...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 14, 2014 - "Radially Symmetrical"

… foam Snowflakes is about as close to snow as these boys will ever get.

Scarf Update: It is off the needles! Just need to add some fringe and I can call my very first knitting project completed.

Photography Assignment

Let It Snow

Took the time to clone the thread out of the shot above, then found I rather liked seeing the thread.

Go figure.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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