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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Some Assembly Required

OK guy, let's see some happy smiles as you pose with your knitting projects.

Knitting Dogs
Zachary: "Too tired, Mom. Day Spa day."

Pictures need taking, even on Day Spa Day.

Smiles everbody!

Knitting Dogs

Eh hem…

Knitting Dogs
(blink blink)

Smiles for Cookies?

Knitting Dogs

I give up.

Dog Blog Post #1607

Knitting is definitely a Some Assembly Required task.

Henry just finished his scarf by taking Pieces of yarn and using a crochet hook to add the tassels on the end.

Zachary's Christmas scarf seems to be coming along nicely as well.

I wonder what project they will start next?

Whatever it is, it will have to wait until tomorrow as they are all tuckered out from spending the day at the Day Spa getting primped and pampered.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1117. "Some Assembly Required"

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 22, 2014 - "Pieces"

Uh, Henry?

You just drooled all over your yarn.

Knitting Dogs

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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