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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Splitting the Loot

The Boys
Zachary: "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Mom's gonna hand out the Halloween Loot."
Henry: (clearly too famished to speak)

The Boys
Zachary: "Here she comes."

You sure collected a lot of Cookies this year.

Here you go.

Zachary: "All for me???"
Henry: "Momma!"

Don't be silly, Zachary.

I expect you to split the Cookies fairly with Henry.

(tick tock tick tock)

Dog Blog Post #1589

Saints or Sinners?

That depends on whether Zachary shared the Cookies with Henry or kept them All to himself.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 1, 2014 - "Saints or Sinners" ?

Daily Dog Challenge 1096. "All"


Don't be silly.

They did NOT get ALL those cookies you saw there, however...

Catching Cookies

… they each got the SAME number of Cookies.

Split fairly.

By me.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. LOL such concentration. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly
