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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Balancing Act

Balancing Act
Henry: "Too Easy, Momma."

Balancing Act
Henry: "Harder!"

No need sweetie.

That will do.

Dog Blog Post #1628

Henry, illustrating Stillness while Waiting for me to give the good word ("OK!") for him to eat the Cookies.

Well, Cookie.

The others were quickly scooped up by me, to live at least a little while longer.

No photoshopping nor trickery here. He really is balancing three and then six "loose" Cookies on his nose.

Zachary got the day off today, as "Stillness" just isn't his thing.

Still had to pay him is Modeling Fee, of course.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 11, 2014 - "Stillness"

Daily Dog Challenge 1136. "Waiting"

Henry: "Puppy Stuff."

Editor's Note: For once the Weather Person was right - we're up to 2" of rain, with little sign of it letting up.

Thankfully, the winds were brief and early in the storm, before the ground became soaked.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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