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Friday, December 12, 2014

Santa Suit

Santa Suit
Zachary: "Today we will show how to create a Santa Suit."
Henry: (just off camera) "Zzzzzzz"

Santa Suit
Zachary: "It is important to assemble your materials before you begin."
Henry: (sniff sniff sniff)

Santa Suit
Zachary: "Taking pictures as you go helps keep you motivated..."
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Dog Blog Post #1629

The boys were Busy making a Santa Suit, complete with a Triangular hat (left) and scarf (right).

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1137. "Busy"

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 12, 2014 - "Triangular"

Santa Suit
Zachary: "… unless you have a bad photographer, who crops the top of your head off."



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-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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