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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Work it Zachary…

Elegant Zachary
The Elegant Dog

Elegant Zachary
The Serious Dog

Elegant Zachary
The Hungry Dog

And now for Henry...

Cuddly Henry
The Cuddly Dog

Dog Blog Post #1653

The boys sporting a Cuddly scarf in a Mixture of colors.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1162. "Cuddly"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 6, 2015 - "Mixture"

Mr. Bed Head

Henry's heavy winter coat - a naturally rumpled Mixture of long and short hair in various shades of gold - helps to make him extremely Cuddly.

Mr. Bed Head
Mr. Bed Head

The fact he has a sweet and gentle disposition and loves being hugged and snuggled only adds to the effect.

Yes, Zachary can be cuddly, too. It just doesn't come through in pictures.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great take on both challenges! I love it! And I'm wondering it the boys would consider lending me that scarf...

    1. Good luck prying it from him toasty warm paws. :)

  2. Henry looks sleepy to me (and cuddly).

  3. When you get too warm, you get sleepy!

  4. I think BOTH Henry & Zach are cuddly! I'd love to cuddle w/ them. Gorgeous pics as always.

  5. What beautiful photos! Love them :)

  6. Love the pics...and the scarf, too! ;-)

  7. BOL! So cute! *wags* - Gilligan from WagsAhoy.com
