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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fashion Models?

Yet another "prized" Modeling gig…

We have Henry...

Fashion Model?

Fashion Model?

And Zachary…

Fashion Model?

… who looks like he just escaped from the Barber's Chair.

I really love this swirling fabric, but I have yet to take a good picture with it.

One of the days…

One of the days...

Dog Blog Post #1655

Um… yeah.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1164. "Wow!"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 8, 2015 - "Vibrant Color"

Working for Cookies…

A true professional takes the good...

Fashion Model?

… with the bad...

Fashion Model?

… without batting an eye.

Yes, two different pictures.

No photoshopping here.

Zachary was a rock.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Bunny is like that for me, too, and I love it! It's allowed me to get a few really cool shots of her. And I had a good giggle over the wig shot!

  2. Love the color! What was the fabric intended for? It'd make a very wild looking dress!

    Monty and Harlow

    1. I have no idea. It's fairly heavy silky shiny polyester. Lovely to look at but I can't imagine wearing it.

  3. The boys look great in the hat. I'm not sure about the fabric - seems they need a nice summer day and a Harley to go with it.

  4. They were looking pretty pimp but the clown wig made me laugh out loud :)
