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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The State Of...

The State Of...
President Zachary: "My fellow citizens…"

The State Of...
President Zachary: "Let me assure you that I will do everything in my power…"

The State Of...
President Zachary: "… to put a Bacon Cheesy-Burger in every bowl."

The State Of...
(and the crowd goes wild)

Dog Blog Post #1668

The leader of the free world, with the world at his feet, gives his State of the Union address.

Something about a free Bacon Cheesy-Burger in every bowl.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1176. "The State Of..."

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 20 2015 - "The World At Your Feet"

Zachary is sporting a hand-knitted "Sweater Vest" (my latest effort), complete with Cables.

The microphone is crafted from a receipt skewer, a bendy straw, a Sponge Bob golf ball, and generous amount of black grip tape (wonderful stuff!)

The Opposition…

The State Of...
The Honorable Henry: "My esteemed colleague…"

The State Of...
The Honorable Henry: "… wants all your Bacon Cheesy-Burgers for himself."


The State Of...
President Zachary

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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