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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Zig Zag

Rats… too far away.

Too Far Away

Stop looking so worried, Henry. I'll move closer.


Projects in Paw

Oh, come on.

You can look more interesting than that.

Projects in Paw

Not funny.

Projects in Paw

Still not funny.

I'm going to start eating your Cookies.

One… two…

Projects in Paw

Much better.

Perhaps if the scarf was pulled out a bit more?

Projects in Paw

Not like that!

Tell Me What You Really Think

I give up.

Dog Blog Post #1677

Zachary is nearly done with his Peacock-colored scarf and Henry is holding the next skein of yarn in paw, showing off an orderly Zig Zag pattern on it.

The boucle yarn (Zachary) has been… interesting… to work with.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 25 2015 - "Zig Zag"

Daily Dog Challenge 1185. "Repeating Pattern"

Projects in Paw
Close Up

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. That was a cool find for zig zag! I was totally lost on that one today!

  2. Nice job on the zigzag project!
    the boyz are as houndsome as ever!
