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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blind Sniff Test

Blind Taste Test
Zachary: "Welcome to Golden Goodies. Today we are doing a Blind Sniff Test."

Blind Taste Test
Henry: "Sniiiiiiiiiiiiff."

Blind Taste Test
Zachary: "Sniff sniff."

Blind Taste Test
Zachary: "Sniff sniff."

Blind Taste Test
Henry: "Sniiiiiiiiiiiff."

Blind Sniff Test
Henry: "Sniff sniff"

Blind Sniff Test
(thoughtful silence)

Dog Blog Post #1683

I set Four different treats On The Shelf to see which one the boy's preferred.

The both agreed that ALL of them were the best.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge1191. "Four"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 04 2015 - "On The Shelf"

No Peeking!

No Peeking!
No Peeking!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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