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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

1 Million Views

When two COMPLETELY unrelated challenges collide...

1 Million Views
Zachary: "Gosh - 1 Million views of me."
Henry: "Me too!"

1 Million Views
Zachary: "Just think if we had charged a Cookie per view?"
Henry: "I wish."

1 Million Views
Zachary: "One Million Cookies ALL for me."

Dog Blog Post #1724

The Boys' recently crossed the 1,000,000 view Milestone on their Flickr photostream (where you go if you click on any image and where the VAST majority of pictures for this blog reside) and were thrown a surprise party to celebrate down at the Dancing Dog today!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 12 2015 - "Milestone"

Daily Dog Challenge 1232. "St. Patrick's Day"

1 Million Views
"Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

Still Life
Still Life about two VERY different things

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Congratulations on an awesome milestone! Well-deserved.

  2. Way to go dudes. Congratulations. Happy St Patrick's day for yesterday, Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. That is so fantastic! Congrats! :)

  4. Congrats on reaching a million views on your beautiful pics of Henry & Zach! I always enjoy seeing their photos

  5. Congratulations! That's quite amazing!!

  6. Aww that is so cute!!! <3 Henry and Zach you each deserve 1,000,000 cookies and then some ;)
