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Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Thing Under The Sofa

The Thing Under The Sofa
Henry: (blink)

The Thing Under The Sofa
Henry: "Zachary!!!"

The Thing Under The Sofa
Zachary: "How many times have I told you there is NOTHING under the…"

The Thing Under The Sofa
Zachary: "… sofa."

The Thing Under The Sofa

Dog Blog Post #1722

The Boys need to Beware the Dangerous Thing That Lives Under The Sofa!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1227. 1230. "Beware"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 15 2015 - "Dangerous"

Behind the Scenes

The setup for "The Thing Under The Sofa"...

Behind the Scenes

The "sofa" is a folded cardboard tri-fold wrapped in a piece of faux leather, held up by four gold Solo cups.

The camera was sitting on the floor where the book is.

The usual flash (to the right, not shown, behind an umbrella) was lowered to about a foot off the ground.

The second flash is lying flat on its back, with a soft box, shooting -1EV.

The boys have a "Head Down" cue (my fist on the floor), making this shot a relatively simple one from my model's POV.

Stop on by Zachary and Henry's blog: bzdogs.com

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. You boys are very brave to stare down that spider!

  2. OMD Yikes. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Oh uh uh. No. Fake spider or not, not happening. Love your shots and captions, though. :)
