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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Golden Superheroes

Wordless Wednesday...

Golden Superhero
Golden Superhero

Golden Superhero?

Dog Blog Post #1774

What else would a Golden Retriever be?

Truth in advertising: Getting Henry's shots was... taxing... so I'm afraid Zachary (with antenna balls) got the short end of the Effort Stick (but just as many Cookies!)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 5, 2015 - "Superhero"

Daily Dog Challenge 1281. "When I Grow Up..."

A slider or two might have been pushed in the making of those pictures (Adobe Lightroom)

But Wait... There's More...

Golden Superhero
Same Shot - Sans Sliders

Golden Superhero
Henry: "I think I like the natural me best."

Grumpy Superhero?
One Picture Too Many

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. We love superheroes! Have fun saving the world guys!

  2. LOVE it!!! Those are some of the BEST superheroes I have ever seen! They should have their own movie.

  3. The grumpy superhero pic is the best! The look just says "really?"

  4. Saving the world one woof at a time.

  5. That's a beautiful photo of Henry-it turned out fabulous and was well worth the effort! <3
