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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Have A Heart

Have A Heart
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Oh, come on Henry.

You can't be THAT tired after spending the day at the Day Spa.

Or maybe you are.

Come here, Zachary...

Have A Heart
Zachary: (sigh)

Smile for treats?

Have A Heart
Zachary: "Cheesy.... Burgers..."

Your enthusiasm is overwhelming.

Dog Blog Post #1805

It was Day Spa Day, and the boys pleaded with me to Have a Heart and make this an easy shoot.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 3, 2015 - "Have a Heart"

Daily Dog Challenge 1313. "Something Symbolic"

And yes, there might be a heart to two to be found on their collar.

Behind the Scenes

I didn't really mean to take this next shot...

Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes

..., the remote going off inadvertently in my hand.

But since it shows my "Head Down" cue (fist on the floor) I went ahead and uploaded it.

And here is the shot that followed it:

Have A Heart

The same cue was used to get the top shot of Henry.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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