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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Henry's Fan

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Make it go Faster, Momma!"

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Whoa!"

Henry's Fan

Dog Blog Post #1813

Today Is... hot, and Henry's fan - one of the Signs of the Season - is on and blowing strong.

(No, no - of course it doesn't usually have streamers, and yes, it normally sits behind the ex-pen (fence) to keep dogs and fan safely parted. Henry parks himself in front of it and doesn't budge until late November. Or so.)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1321. "Today Is..."

Our Daily Challenge - June 13, 2015 - "Signs of the Season"

Henry's Fan
Zachary: "Watch this!"

Henry's Fan
Zachary: "Arrroooo... oooo... oooo"

Henry's Fan
Zachary: "Pfththththth"


Goofy Goldens.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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