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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Of Tigers and Dogs

Ok, Henry, give a nice big roar!

Not  a Tiger
Henry: "Roar?"

Yes... you are supposed to be a Tiger today.

Not  a Tiger
Henry: "Not a Tiger."

Uh oh... I think I hurt the Precious Puppy's feelings.

Dog Blog Post #1810

"I am NOT a _______"

... Tiger!


You see yesterday's shots - posed against a flashy black and white zebra-patterned fabric - were slapped with a "tiger" tag by Flickr's new autotagger.

So the boys decided to switch to a A Splash of Color to see if they could snare a "zebra" tag instead!

Alas, no so luck.

The autotagger wasn't fooled today and stamped the top picture as a "dog", then went off in a huff and left the other images alone.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1318. "I am NOT a _______"

Our Daily Challenge - June 11, 2015 - "A Splash of Color"

How about you, Zachary?

Not  a Tiger

Can you give me a Big Cat Roar?

Not  a Tiger
Zachary: "Roooaaaaaarrrrrr!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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