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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

On Strike

Uh, Henry?

The camera's over here.

On Strike

Eh hem...

Oh Henry....

On Strike
(more crickets)

You're still not sore at me for labeling you "Yellow" for yesterday's Primary Colors challenge... are you?

On Strike

Oh, come on.

You still got your Cookies, right?

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "Our Lawyer will be in touch."

Why am I not surprised.

Dog Blog Post #1815

The boys were on strike today, protesting my labeling them "Yellow" for yesterday's "Primary Colors" shoot.


Our Daily Challenge - June 13, 2015 - "Rest and Relaxation"

What my boys do best.

Daily Dog Challenge 1323. "Low Light"

The anti-reflector was positioned on the left, and the flash was barely a foot off the ground.

Photography Assignment

On Strike
Zachary - On Strike

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I'll bet if you offered them a Jones chew they'd come around quicker than you can say Spoiled Pup!

  2. So photogenic. You shouldn't be shy.

  3. Looks like he forgives you. Sporty top hat!
