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Sunday, June 7, 2015

One of the Good Guys

One of the Good Guys
White Hat Henry

One of the Good Guys
White Hat Zachary

One of the Good Guys
White Hat Zachary

Dog Blog Post #1806

Do Over :

I picked 1272. "The Right Light" - deciding to go in a completely different direction this time by attempting (Choose Your Own Topic) High Key.

I say "attempting", because in the past I've generally been quite underwhelmed by what I end up with, although I must admit to being rather pleased with how these came out this time. :)

This uses my second flash at partial (1/2?) power with a soft box aimed at the left side of the white backdrop to eliminate shadows.

Some extra post-processing was done to clone out a couple wrinkles and up the exposure a bit further.

On two shots (below) I also lightened the foreground corners significantly to eliminate the line between the white backdrop and hardwood floor.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1314. "Do Over"

Our Daily Challenge - June 7, 2015 - "Choose Your Own Topic"

One of the Good Guys
Henry: "Aw-shucks"

One of the Good Guys
Zachary: "Howdy!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I love how this composition complements the white fur on Henry and Zach's faces. Lovely! :)
