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Friday, June 5, 2015

Tangled Dog

Tangled Dog
Henry: (sigh)

Is this what you are looking for Honey?

Tangled Dog
Henry: "Huh?"

Let's Try That Again...

Is this what you are looking for Zachary?

Tangled Dog
Zachary:  (blink)

Tangled Dog
Zachary: "Hmmmm"

Dog Blog Post #1804

Sorry guys, I think your new knitting project is a Wreck/Derelict before it even gets started.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 2, 2015 - "Wreck/Derelict"

Daily Dog Challenge 1312. "In Hand"

Tangled Dog
Zachary: "Give me that."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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