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Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Artist

Preparing to Paint
Zachary: "Today we are going to show you how to create a backdrop."

Preparing to Paint
Zachary: "With brushes!"

That's great, Zachary.

Now grab that little brush...

Preparing to Paint
Zachary: (gulp)



Preparing to Paint
Henry: (sigh)

Dog Blog Post #1812

Time Passes...

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1320. "Handydog"

Our Daily Challenge - June 13, 2015 - "Brushes"


The Artist

Good job Henry!

Editor's Note

I used Meritum Emulsion (iPad) to create a "starter" background image full of swirling splashes of color (way too much fun!) and then imported it into Procreate (also iPad) to smudge it into (hopefully) paintbrush-like patterns.

It was then imported into Photoshop Elements to pair with the shot of Henry against my usual black background (see below).

(Yes, Henry really is holding the paint brush. No photoshop magic there!)

I could have spent longer trying to mask Henry's fur, I suppose, but it was getting late.

Fun stuff!


Preparing to Paint
A Very Patient Dog

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I love your use of technical wizardry. Did you cut around Henry's fur by hand, or did you use a plug-in? I usually wind up just using the eraser tool, but it's slow and clumsy and fur is really awkward. Great work with this. :)
