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Monday, July 20, 2015

Character Study

Henry and the Gargoyle
Henry: "Hmmm..."

Zachary and the Gargoyle
Zachary: "Hmmm..."

Henry and the Gargoyle
Henry: "Hmmm..."

Zachary and the Gargoyle
Zachary: "Hmmm..."

Dog Blog Post #1849

This is my Gargoyle.

He sits beside my computer to frighten away bugs and other evil things.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - July 19, 2015 - "Carved in Stone"

Daily Dog Challenge 1357. "Character"

Henry and the Gargoyle
Henry: "Hmmm..."

Hope this post isn't too jarring if viewed against yesterday's.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Action for the sake of action is silly; deep character studies for the sake of complexity are just boring. All great writers are able to find a happy medium. yunnan baiyao capsules

  2. I'm not sure the gargoyl is having much effect on Zachary or Henry. Great photos of the boys - I love the lighting.
