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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Henry!

Yup, my Baby Boy turned 5 today...

Happy Birthday
Henry: "Aw-shucks"

... so I broke out the Frosty Paws.

Happy Birthday
Henry: "Boy that looks good."

Happy Birthday
Henry: (slurp slurp slurp)

But That Was Not Today's Challenge...

No... today's Challenge was Black and White.


Sorry Henry...

Happy Birthday
B&W Henry

Happy Birthday
Selective Color Henry

Happy Birthday
Bohemian Rhapsody Henry?

Dog Blog Post #1857

Happy Birthday Henry!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1365. "Keep Your Cool"

Our Daily Challenge - July 28, 2015 - "Black and White"

Zen Zachary
Zen Zachary

Frosty Paws
Zachary: (slurp slurp slurp)

Editor's History Note to her Mom

Bohemian Rhapsody is a ~1975 song by the rock band Queen.

The album cover showed the faces of the band members, starkly lit, against the black cover.

You can find the song itself on YouTube and you might recognize it, although I honestly don't remember if my brothers were Queen fans or not and I was probably a bit too young.

The song reemerged 20 years later with the movie Wayne's World.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy birthday, beautiful Henry! :)

    I love Bohemian Rhapsody - it's on my driving in the car playlist. "I see a little silhouetto of a dog called Henry..."

  2. Great pictures!! Happy Belated Birthday Henry :)

  3. Happy birthday Henry! You sure made those Frosty Paws look yummy! Love Dolly

  4. Happy 5th Birthday Henry. I hope you enjoyed your frosty paws, and also got lots of snuggles and maybe even a new toy!
