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Friday, July 3, 2015

Patriotic Pup

Henry as Patton
Henry as Patton

Dog Blog Post #1833

Here's Henry, doing his best George C. Scott from the movie "Patton" imitation.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1340. "Patriotic Pup"

Our Daily Challenge - July 2, 2015 - "On Your Bucket List"

I don't actually have a photography bucket list - perhaps I should - but I do like to recreate images from famous sources when I have the time and the challenges "fit".

Today was the perfect opportunity to try recreating a famous still from the 1970 Oscar winning movie "Patton".

I've recreated old-master art before, but I can't remember ever trying a movie scene and that seems like something that should be on my list, if I had one.

Behind the Scenes

Henry was shot against a green screen...

Henry on a Green Screen

The flag...

Old Glory
Old Glory

... is your standard 4'x6' house flag, and was shot hanging from the cabinets like any other backdrop would be.

It was cropped tight, the creases cloned away, the saturation was upped and the blue field darkened a bit as the fabric was a tad too transparent.

Photoshop Elements was used to merge the two together.

I did take pictures of Zachary, but only had time to mask one shot as fur is rather time consuming to mask.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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