Wordless Wednesday...
Dog Blog Post #1885
It's August, it's over 90F outside, and we're in the middle of a severe drought.
At this point, the
Season's Best things are the air conditioner and Henry's Fan, which I turned on High for this shoot, making it
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.
Henry loved it.
Henry's Fan normally runs on Low and is stationed behind an ex-pen (metal fence) to keep dogs and fan safely separated.
It runs year round, except for a short break between Christmas (when the Christmas Tree takes over the spot) until the house starts to climb over 60F.
Yes, we keep the thermostat a toasty 58F during the winter, just for Henry.
I also keep a thick pile of blankets on the sofa so Zachary-of-the-less-than-luscious-locks will be comfortable, too.
Spoil my dogs?
Photography Assignment
Daily Dog Challenge 1394. "Season's Best"
Our Daily Challenge - Aug 25, 2015 - "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"
Henry: "Faster, Momma!" |
Where's Zachary?
As I could tell at a glance Henry's pictures were going to be good, and Zachary is indifferent to the fan - neither friend nor foe - I opted to run him through his favorite tricks to earn his modeling fee, instead.
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