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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Honey I Shrunk The Props

Ok - now let's hear a nice big "Cheesy Burger!"

Honey I Shrunk The Props

Honey I Shrunk The Props

Honey I Shrunk The Props

Honey I Shrunk The Props
Zachary: "He he he. Fill 'er up, Mom!"

Honey I Shrunk The Props
Zachary: "Mmmmm"
Henry: "Pfthththththth"

Dog Blog Post #1887

I picked up a package of Miniature Red Solo Cups on sale last summer - an impulse buy I was quite excited about at the time and yet have somehow failed to find an appropriate time to trot out.

Well, today - being "Just Because Day" - turned out to be their lucky day!

The rest of the "mini's" are an odd assortment of items scrounged from around the house to match things I had facsimiles of in a normal size.

Henry seemed quite perplexed by his diminutive props and even Zachary wasn't quite sure what to make of them.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Aug 27, 2015 - "Miniature"

Daily Dog Challenge 1396. "Just Because Day"

Honey I Shrunk The Props
Mini-Me Snack?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Today's post is fantastic. The photos are beautiful - well lit and sharp. The boys have wonderful expressions. And the idea is very creative. Well done!
